Birthday Party Photos for Rick's 50th

All photographs © Copyrighted

An important note about these images:  they originally were created as 35mm film positives from a grainy ISO 400 film, and later scanned so that JPEG files could be produced..  The resulting electronic image files are of lesser quality than the newer, digital photographs that appear elsewhere in these pages.



A beautiful evening            Drinks on the lawn            The Laclede Quartet            Rob, Rick, & Neal                    Sam and Greg                        John, Lucy, James,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rick, Kathy, and Jerry


James orders a drink        James and Kathy                    Debbie, James, Art,            Larry, Rob, John,                     John, Lucy, and Jon            Rick, Mike, and Guy

                                                                                                                         Michelle, and Mark            and Darryl


Rob, Eric, and Dave            Charlie, Seth, and Jon        Frank and Rick                        Mark and Michelle            Dan, Rose-Lynn, and            Great birthday cake

                                                                                                                            James                                        made by Shelley


Table set for dinner            Charlie and Randy                Lucy and Jerry                        Anita and Stan                    Mike and Rob                            Kathy and John



John and Darryl                  Nearly time for dinner        Sam, Greg, and Eric          Rick, John, and Dave           Dave and John                        Rick, Randy, Mike



Admiring the cake...            Guy and Mike                        Janet and James                   Seth, Rick, and Neal            Frank and Janet                  Eric, Michelle, Mark



Debby and Art                            Larry and John                    Frank, Janet,  James            We had a surprise                She danced Rick a             She fed him a little

                                                                                            visit from Marilyn            little dance...                            cake...


...and then she                        Just how red can a                The coup de grace:  a                Thanks for sharing

kissed him!                                guy's face get?                        membership in AARP            these moments with us.

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